up with the birds and the santa ana winds today. this dry wind is really doing a number on my sinuses and allergies. although, they happen to usher in my favorite time of year. these warm dry winds bring about the cooler weather. i can't wait for fake california weather! where we can all pretend that its cold enough to bundle up and layer. makes me want to visit new york and have some hot cocoa with some dear friends while staring out a window at the snow softly falling over the city. i've always associated snow and winter with magic. something magic falls through the air and onto your nose and arms. rejuvinating you and bringing you back to life. i suppose its my california born soul. because we don't get snow in this part. always wanting what i can't have.
in other news: i've done almost nothing but work this week. the boy is still hard at work on the feature film. and im still hard at work slinging gyros and falafel. blargh.
in MORE other news: my hair is getting soooo long. i am very excited about this fact, since i typically start having an urge to chop it off right about nowish. but im fighting that urge. i want hair that is long enough that i can just toss up in a bun with no bobby pins required. and jet out the door. maybe its just a dream. but someday!
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