Sunday, January 23, 2011

your girl is lovely, hubbell.

"maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. maybe they just need to run free till they find someone just as wild to run with them." - Carrie Bradshaw

I just watched this episode of Sex and the City, the one where Carrie makes the revelation that there are two types of women in this world. the "katie" girls and the "simple" girls. taken from the movie 'the way we were'. katie (ka-ka-ka-katie) was this girl, this complicated, opinionated girl with wild curly hair. the kind of girl that pushed hubbell to be all the man she saw him to be. but hubbell, well...he couldn't take it. so he left her. for this simple girl. with, straight hair.
it sounds silly. but you have to see the movie to understand.
and that is what i have realized. i am a ka-ka-ka-katie girl. i was never meant to be a simple girl. i was never meant to stand on the sidelines cheering someone on. i was supposed to be on the field. running with them. in front of them. behind them. urging them on and have them run with me. in front of me. behind me. urging me on.
and i will settle for nothing less.


Tiffany said...

Thank you for this.

You're my babygirlsweetbottomheadbuttonnose and I miss you soooooo much.

Tiffany said...

And I'm reposting.