Sunday, October 24, 2010

you can't stop the avalanche as it races down the hill...

i had all these great plans for my weekend. and all of them basically went up in smoke when i got this stuffy nose and bleary eyes. instead, i spent the better part of my weekend sniffling and sleeping. however, i did get to spend some much needed quality time with the boy. he picked me up at 345 am on saturday morning. poor guy had worked from 9 am till then. i on the other hand napped most of that time on my couch waiting for him, while watching old episodes of the real housewives and millionaire matchmaker. we both slept until 2 pm, then spent the next two hours making some pretty awesome tacos. yummo. serious yummo!
i had to hightail it to work, unfortunately. who wants to be at work with a bunch of strangers when you could be cuddled on the couch with your boy that you haven't seen in a week? but thank goodness it was a pretty slow night and i got out early enough to go home and watch a movie with the boy. which actually turned into me watching 'hyperdrive' a great british comedy that you should definitely take part in. after falling asleep on the couch two times, only to be woken up by my sniffles. so i downed some nyquil and hopped into bed at about 12:30. thinking i'd be up when the boy got up at 8:45. which yes, originally happened. i got to kiss him goodbye, wish him a great day and turned over and fell right back to sleep until 1 pm. resulting in me missing my brunch date. what the what? so now i sit here with my homemade baileys and coffee with a dash of cinnamon.

update! girl date totally planned. time for some good giggles. some good cuddles and some lovely lunch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
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